We received in Pumanque Rodrigo Santos Gomez, importer from Viña DAGAZ in Vitoria-Brazil, and Alex Ordenes, a prominent Chilean Sommelier based in that country.
Continue reading Recibimos en Pumanque a Rodrigo Santos
Chile Special Report 2019
In Tim Atkin's “Chile Special Report 2019”, DAGAZ Tierras de Pumanque 2016 and Dagaz Tierras de Pumanque 2017, are scored with 92 points in their debut. Continue reading Chile Special Report 2019
Wines with a Story
Today we were invited to the launch of the book "Vinos con cuento" by Eduardo Brethauer at the restaurant "La Bodeguita de Miguel Torres". Continue reading Vinos con Cuento
“Uncorked Luxury Wines”
We participated in the fair with a great reception from the public, who did not miss the opportunity to taste DAGAZ wines with their excellent scores in the Descorchados guide. A magical night sharing with the attendees at an outstanding event.
“Wine Revelation”
Uncorked Sheraton Miramar 2109
Viña DAGAZ participates in “Descorchados Sheraton Miramar 2109”
We enjoyed a nice day sharing with the public of the V Region. Continue reading Descorchados Sheraton Miramar 2109